Access to Capital

Which Crowdfunding Platform is Right for Your Business?

As a small business owner, you’ve probably found yourself in the position of needing extra funds to help you expand, whether you need to buy equipment or you have a new product idea you need help developing. Traditional financing like a bank loan can take months to close between the application and approval phases, and you probably don’t have the time to wait, especially if you need a relatively small amount of cash.

Lista de Comprobación de Solicitud de Préstamo

Eres el dueño y cabeza de tu pequeño negocio quien dirige todo. Entiendes que el tiempo es dinero, y estar preparado puede recortar el tiempo que lleva conseguir un préstamo para un pequeño negocio. Aunque siempre andes de prisa, nuestra lista digital es fácil de usar y diseñada para plataformas móviles, y puede ayudar a prepararte y mantenerte organizado durante el proceso de solicitar un préstamo.

Loan Application Checklist

You’re the CEO of your small business – the Chief Everything Officer. You understand that time = money, and being prepared can shorten the time it takes to get a small business loan. Even when you’re on the go, our mobile friendly, easy-to-use digital checklist, also called a loan package, can help you get prepared, and stay organized, during your loan application process.

If you need help creating any of the items in this checklist, visit our Resources page to find a business assistance organization in your area that can help you.
